“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

—George Bernard Shaw

Our Store features many innovation tools.

Our Video Programs teach the proven techniques of intentional innovation.

Our Workshop Trainings help organizations weave innovation into their everyday activities and consistently inspire the best from everyone on their team.

Our Strategy Sessions are immersive, entertaining, no-holds-barred experiences that deliver surprising new solutions.

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—Felix Garcia, State of Colorado


Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work
by Eric Klein

Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work

Awakening Corporate Soul: Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work advocates the use of ancient concepts to improve both employee satisfaction and workplace yield. Eric Klein and John Izzo, a yogi and a minister who are also business consultants, mix Eastern and Western ideas to suggest new ways to develop a more motivated and committed workforce. They maintain that creativity, productivity, innovation and inspiration each stimulate different facets of a company's “soul,“ and show how leaders can help those around them attain fulfillment while simultaneously positioning their firms for increased success.

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