“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.”

—Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Our Store features many innovation tools.

Our Video Programs teach the proven techniques of intentional innovation.

Our Workshop Trainings help organizations weave innovation into their everyday activities and consistently inspire the best from everyone on their team.

Our Strategy Sessions are immersive, entertaining, no-holds-barred experiences that deliver surprising new solutions.

We Speak at Events conferences, trade shows, and other keynote gatherings.

We’re located in Bend, Oregon’s historic Old Mill District. Contact Info...

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About: “Free Radicals of Innovation DVD”

“The Free Radicals content fits very well with the 'Improve' step of the DMAIC approach.”
—Margie Gardiner, R&D Program Manager


iBoxes® a case of 24 + one iBox FREE!
from The Innovation Center®

iBoxes® a case of 24 + one iBox FREE!

Brain Calisthenics. The iBox® is a great way to get people really thinking outside the box. Oh sure, it looks like a clear plastic box filled with a group of unrelated everyday items. But it’s really a carefully chosen collection of visual metaphors— a portable, brainstorming kit for stimulating profitable ideas.The iBox is a great way to get people really thinking outside the box. Oh sure, it looks like a clear plastic box filled with a group of unrelated everyday items. But it’s really a carefully chosen collection of visual metaphors— a portable, brainstorming kit for stimulating profitable ideas.

A proven tool that really works. Our clients use the iBox as a catalyst to generate waves of wild, new ideas. Placed in your conference room or office, it can trigger innovative thinking, serve as a reminder to think creatively, or simply make a stimulating conversation piece. Every iBox comes with a step-by-step instruction pamphlet.

That's 25 iBoxes for just $33.60 each.

Add to Cart $840.00