“Many of the things you can count, don't count. Many of the things you can't count, really count.”

—Albert Einstein

Our Store features many innovation tools.

Our Video Programs teach the proven techniques of intentional innovation.

Our Workshop Trainings help organizations weave innovation into their everyday activities and consistently inspire the best from everyone on their team.

Our Strategy Sessions are immersive, entertaining, no-holds-barred experiences that deliver surprising new solutions.

We Speak at Events conferences, trade shows, and other keynote gatherings.

We’re located in Bend, Oregon’s historic Old Mill District. Contact Info...

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About: “Innovation Strategy Session”

“Working with Bob Newhart & the Innovation Center helped our group move away from what had become a traditional moment in time Retreat to a Strategy Session which invigorated all participants.”
—Michael J. Gonsalves, CEO
The Center, Bend


Complete Idiot's Guide to New Product Development (The Complete Idiot's Guide)
by Edwin Bobrow

Complete Idiot's Guide to New Product Development (The Complete Idiot's Guide)

Everyone has had dreams of inventing a new product or service that would make them loads of money. This one-of-a-kind book shows them how. From the first stages of the creative process through the production and marketing phases, this step-by-step guide offers concise instructions on turning an idea into a money-making success. Featured are tips on avoiding legal problems and advice on protecting that great idea from being pirated. Exercises for developing creativity and worksheets and checklists for filtering, researching, and test marketing new product concepts are included.

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