“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

—Margaret Mead

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“Bob has the unique ability to draw a diverse crowd of people together in an innovative and stimulating manner. His presentations use the latest insights in individual and organizational behavior to harness the wisdom of a team...”
—Dr. Knute Buehler, MD
Dr. Knute Buehler, MD, Bend, OREGON


The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue
by Shama Kabani

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

Social media is a crucial tool for success in business today. People are already talking about your business using social media, whether you’re using it or not. By becoming part of the conversation, you can start connecting directly to your customers, as well as finding new ones, easily and inexpensively spreading the word about your products or services.

But social media marketing isn’t like traditional marketing-and treating it that way only leads to frustration. Let Shama Hyder Kabani, president of Web marketing firm Marketing Zen and social media expert, teach you the “zen” of social media marketing: how to access all the benefits of social media marketing without the stress!

With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan, The Zen of Social Media Marketing outlines the most popular social media tools, from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, and teaches you how to use them, step by step. She provides proven strategies for success from the businesses she works with every day, along with shortcuts and tips to help you make the most of your time and energy.

The Zen of Social Media Marketing is also the last social media guide you’ll ever need: with the physical book you also get access to the exclusive online edition, which includes regular updates and video extras to make sure you’re always on top of the latest in social media.

About the Author

Shama Kabani (formerly Hyder) is the founder of The Marketing Zen Group, a full-service online marketing firm that serves clients around the world. Fast Company has dubbed her “an online marketing shaman and a millennial master of the universe.” She holds a Masters degree in Organizational Communication from the University of Texas at Austin. Her Web sites, marketingzen.com and Shama.tv have turned into high-traffic destinations for people looking for advice on how to successfully market their businesses online. Companies of all sizes and the media look to Shama to guide them when it comes to the vast world of social media marketing. She has been named one of the 10 Most Influential and Powerful Women in Social Media and, in 2009, BusinessWeek honored Shama as one of the Top 25 under 25 entrepreneurs in North America.

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